Sunday 23 September 2018

Spring Has Sprung!

Well, in the past week, things have begun to spring from the dull-looking plants in my garden. After over 3 months of renovations, back-filling and replacing of plants and pots, I've finally gotten the lawn to start growing.

Well, kinda!

Anyway, my Frangipani has pushed out its first leaves the fluorescents - and it's not yet November, when it normally does this. My Black Cherry Tomatoes have had their first lot of deliciousness... and the other 30 or so are about to ripen in the greenhouse. I also noticed the 'Sauce-Maker' tomato has put out its first little tomato and I squished my first pest on it - which I jumped into action and sprayed the plant with a washing up detergent and water mix... to keep the little buggers off! 

I was thinking of using White Oil, but on the can, it said it wasn't suitable for Tomatoes, so, I thought the detergent would be more environmentally suitable.

The Agapanthus are sitting up nice and high, ready to shoot out their flower stems - and I can't wait! they've divided again and I've got around 8 plants which have been dividing up with each other since I received the first one about 10 years ago from the neighbour over the back fence who thought it was a weed... when I was offered it, I jumped at owning one, seeing how expensive these plants are to buy new from Bunnings. And mine are purple!

The Camellia is looking wonderful too! It's really starting to grow. At first, I thought it was going to up and die on me. But when I had my Rose & Camellia Potting Mix, I knew I had to either buy one or the other... and a rose bush was going to be too fussy for me to care for, so a Camellia was it. Plus it was going to attract the bees to my garden in Summer... not a bad deal, right? 

I've yet to look around for more statues and garden ornaments to make it work in my favour of the literary garden... but I think I'll work it that way in time. First, I'll make it grow, and grow well. Then, I'll add the literary characters as time goes on.  

In the greenhouse, I've got lovely little pots of herbs growing so well, and have had to replace the Sweet Basil with Greek Basil, the latter of which grows the more you pick it. It's delicious with whatever you put it with - especially tomatoes and eggs, both of which are my favourite things to eat. 
And my Desert Rose is beginning to grow more and the Geraniums are starting to flower as well, with the protection of the greenhouse - so the possums can't get their little mitts on them. 

I do love Spring. It's when the garden wakes up from that deep sleep called Winter and lives again. The best thing about Spring is that I get to see it happen slowly every day I venture out into my garden.

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