Sunday 11 February 2018

Not A Typical Summer

Just when I think it's going to pour rain, and the garden's going to get a good soaking, the clouds dry up and take off to another part of the country and flood there instead.

Yep, it's been a weird old time for us here in Queensland; and this is one reason why I haven't really been on here to tell you guys much.

Not much has been happening in the garden.

Some of the Frangipannis are growing nicely that I planted into pots - and they'll need new pots come Winter. 

My Ficus needs a new pot - already - and that'll come this Winter too; as the plant hasn't grown as much as I had hoped.

And then, I'll be upgrading another Large Leaf Jade into another pot - or backfilling it soon as well. This means I'll have to save a bit of money for this until Winter. 

Otherwise, the lawn isn't growing as well as it did last year, and the only good thing is that I don't have any bindis... at least that's a good thing about that. Well, until my next post, happy gardening.